Weather forecast for today: Cold, 53deg F (about 12deg C), windy.
Today we headed to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. Along the way we saw Oprah in Times Square, she had hosted a fun run/walk for mother’s day which was for breast cancer (same as our Mothers Day walk at home).
So, it was at Bubbles request that we go see the Intrepid museum. The Intrepid is a aircraft carrier that was build in 1943 and served in WW2 through to Vietnam and was used as a main astronaut recovery vessel for NASA for the Mercury and Gemini missions.
On the flight deck (remember it is a very cold and very windy day) there is a Blackbird, a Tomcat, a Harrier Jump Jet, MiGs, and more. Spanky had to be pushed around for some of it as it was so windy and she struggled to move.
Bubbles was most excited to see the Concorde. The Concorde is the only commercial passenger aircraft capable of travelling at supersonic speeds. This one previously belonged to British Airways.
There was also a growler submarine that we walked through. It was used as a nuclear missile launching submarine that was in service for only 6 years.
After the museum, we headed over to the subway station, picking up some lunch along the way from a deli and headed downtown to the Chelsea and Meatpacking areas. We went for a walk along the Highline, which is an old trolley line that is a story above street level. The Highline has been done up with gardens and seating areas all along it. It currently runs about 10blocks, but the next 10 block stage is already underway.
On the way back to the hotel we stopped off at some shops and brought some things, then went to the hotel for a rest and pack up our stuff ready to head to Arizona tomorrow. For dinner we went a couple of doors down from the hotel to a brewery where the food and beer was good. We had our first desert of the trip here, as Bubbles liked the look of the apple crumble pie.
the timing of your trip to Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island on the boat was perfect as there was an accident 2 days later with 37 people injured.